Only made with Joomla:

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We start a new serie of articles about websites only made with Joomla and Cassiopeia to stick to the core as much as possible: no frameworks, no heavy CCK, etc. These articles aim to demonstrate to the world how the Joomla + Cassiopeia association is incredibly powerful and allows great creative freedom while offering a very high level of performance.
And to understand the client's requirements, to learn more about the building process, the challenges faced and how it have been solved, we've decided to give the floor to the website creator.

Today we welcome Oren Wassersprung from Israel to tell us about his latest client project.

Welcome on board, please introduce yourself and your web agency to Templatejoomla's readers

Hi, my name is Oren Wassersprung. 47y/o from Israel.

I'm a one man show business since 1998 who create websites with joomla.

I also design the websites and other stuff.

I maintain my own server and never stop learning new stuff.

In few words, what is your Joomla background?

Started with mambo back then at around 2005 and fell in love with it. Good news, Joomla was born.

I never use downloaded templates and use less than 4 additional extensions. Joomla is 90% what i need and some extensions brings it to 100%.

I always develop the template's code along with components and modules. Joomla makes this process very comfortable and secure.

Making a site fully managable for the admin and ultra fast, are my specialties and joomla gives me all i need.

In my opinion, Joomla is for prefessionals. Or for those who love to dig and learn to achieve their exact result.

Joomla 4 is now 2 years old and for many websites owners, time is for migrations. Present us such project you've recently deliver to a client.

Joomla 4 is great, never had complaints on previous versions. I have a running site on j1.5 with highly customized template...

J4 and the upcoming j5 make my work even more exciting with new out-of-the-box capabilities which i had to create on previous versions.

Recent work on j4: header homepage - only made with joomla
Detail of the header of website footer homepage - only made with Joomla
Detail of the footer of website

What are the most challenging points you've faced on this project?

Search. Finder/smart search the new and only search does not search in custom fields which i use extensively and is the true power of joomla, was working good in com_search.

Recently I aknowledged of com_search package for joomla4. That made my day.

I see you've only used the Joomla's default template for this site, why this technical choice?

I never use joomla default template, but i learn a lot from it because it incorporate the new capabilities in the correct way.

How did you help your client get to grips with the Joomla 4 administration panel?

The concept is quite the same, so adapting from j3 to j4 is seemless

Cassiopeia have some advantages. What are the most significants for you as a web agency and the most important for your clients?

I don't use Cassiopeia, but its not far from from my own template. As long as I know and remember how it performs and can change or fix things pretty quickly, it fullfil the most important requirement that every client has: quick and responsive support.

What are the 3 Joomla functionnalities you can't live without?

Hard to decide... Template overrides, custom fields, redirects

...and the 3 that you dream about for the next versions?

Fully integrated e-commerce. Even if its not the best, it will be better than others and ill definitely use it.

Contact forms. But more in the type of the forms components out there, or maybe i should learn to work with the contact component?

We really hope you enjoyed this inspiring journey with Oren. If so, please share it with your friends and contacts.

If you have created a website only made with Joomla and Cassiopeia, for yourself or for one of your clients and you would like to talk to us about it, do not hesitate to contact us.

We start a new serie of articles about websites only made with Joomla and Cassiopeia to stick to the core as much as possible: no frameworks, no heavy CCK, etc. These articles aim to demonstrate to the world how the Joomla + Cassiopeia association is incredibly powerful and allows great creative freedom while offering a very high level of performance.
And to understand the client's requirements, to learn more about the building process, the challenges faced and how it have been solved, we've decided to give the floor to the website creator.

Today we welcome Oren Wassersprung from Israel to tell us about his latest client project.

Welcome on board, please introduce yourself and your web agency to Templatejoomla's readers

Hi, my name is Oren Wassersprung. 47y/o from Israel.

I'm a one man show business since 1998 who create websites with joomla.

I also design the websites and other stuff.

I maintain my own server and never stop learning new stuff.

In few words, what is your Joomla background?

Started with mambo back then at around 2005 and fell in love with it. Good news, Joomla was born.

I never use downloaded templates and use less than 4 additional extensions. Joomla is 90% what i need and some extensions brings it to 100%.

I always develop the template's code along with components and modules. Joomla makes this process very comfortable and secure.

Making a site fully managable for the admin and ultra fast, are my specialties and joomla gives me all i need.

In my opinion, Joomla is for prefessionals. Or for those who love to dig and learn to achieve their exact result.

Joomla 4 is now 2 years old and for many websites owners, time is for migrations. Present us such project you've recently deliver to a client.

Joomla 4 is great, never had complaints on previous versions. I have a running site on j1.5 with highly customized template...

J4 and the upcoming j5 make my work even more exciting with new out-of-the-box capabilities which i had to create on previous versions.

Recent work on j4: header homepage - only made with joomla
Detail of the header of website footer homepage - only made with Joomla
Detail of the footer of website

What are the most challenging points you've faced on this project?

Search. Finder/smart search the new and only search does not search in custom fields which i use extensively and is the true power of joomla, was working good in com_search.

Recently I aknowledged of com_search package for joomla4. That made my day.

I see you've only used the Joomla's default template for this site, why this technical choice?

I never use joomla default template, but i learn a lot from it because it incorporate the new capabilities in the correct way.

How did you help your client get to grips with the Joomla 4 administration panel?

The concept is quite the same, so adapting from j3 to j4 is seemless

Cassiopeia have some advantages. What are the most significants for you as a web agency and the most important for your clients?

I don't use Cassiopeia, but its not far from from my own template. As long as I know and remember how it performs and can change or fix things pretty quickly, it fullfil the most important requirement that every client has: quick and responsive support.

What are the 3 Joomla functionnalities you can't live without?

Hard to decide... Template overrides, custom fields, redirects

...and the 3 that you dream about for the next versions?

Fully integrated e-commerce. Even if its not the best, it will be better than others and ill definitely use it.

Contact forms. But more in the type of the forms components out there, or maybe i should learn to work with the contact component?

We really hope you enjoyed this inspiring journey with Oren. If so, please share it with your friends and contacts.

If you have created a website only made with Joomla and Cassiopeia, for yourself or for one of your clients and you would like to talk to us about it, do not hesitate to contact us.