10 Tips & Examples to Redesign a News Site

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Your website may get out-of-date over time and may even stop functioning properly. Consequently, you must regularly assess the status of your website and maybe take the decision to redesign your news website. Otherwise, your visitors will leave and move on to the rival's website.

How to redesign a news website is a common question. In reality, often all it takes to fix issues are small adjustments. As a result, this blog post will provide you with some straightforward advice you can use to better the user experience on your news website and hence increase your traffic.

A news website's success depends heavily on its design. An appealing and user-friendly news website with quick loading times and easy navigation will go a long way toward helping you reach your goals of attracting new visitors, keeping them, and keeping them coming back.

Of course, a news website needs to have the necessary features in order to function effectively and efficiently; merely having the right appearance isn't enough.

There are more and more news templates available online, but with so many alternatives to redesign your news website, it could be difficult to choose the perfect template to set your site apart from the competition. However with this guide, you will be able to redesign your online agency and quickly convert casual visitors into devoted followers!

10 Tips and Tricks to Redesign a News Website

#1. Keep your website navigation easy to use

Simplifying website navigation should be your first step when redesign your news website. Your website's simple yet effective navigation will probably save your visitors some time when they browse on your pages. Your visitors are more likely to become your followers and potentially come back to your site later if they can quickly locate what they're looking for.

Visitors anticipate being able to enter and exit your website as quickly as possible, like any other modern website. In terms of redesigning a news website, this frequently entails removing navigational options that won't be used anyway (unless they are absolutely necessary). Think like a visitor to see what they want when entering a new site; identify a service and try to find it without previous knowledge of your site. Every improvement to your site navigation could have a benefic effect on the user experience and your incomes.

Hubspot published recently The Essential Guide to Website Navigation which give you many useful information about a website navigation.

#2. Increase your website load speed

Slow page load times are one of the main factors contributing to a higher bounce rate. A recent Google study found that the probability of bounce increase by 32% when visitors wait just 3 seconds for a website to load, and that percentage is increasing every year. If your website doesn't load quickly enough, you risk losing potential incomes from those visitors. Therefore, you must speed up your page loading in order to enhance the functionality of your website. But how should one go about doing it?

Bounce rate increase per page load time

Source: Think with Google / SOASTA Research, 2017

First, you can use the free PageSpeed Insights tool to control your page load speed. This tool also diagnoses your problems and offers solutions to fix them.

Here some points you should care about to make your news website faster:

  • Optimize your images weight

  • Reduce plugins and addons usage

  • Clean up the CMS and its template

  • Limit requests as much as possible

  • Use a CDN (Content Delivery Network)

  • Optimize the homepage of your site

  • Consider a better hosting partner

  • Don't use too many redirections

#3. Everything Relies on Your Branding

Every website has its own brand identity, which describes how users view the company based on factors like its name and visual presentation. When considering redesign a news website, you should pay close attention to the brand identity.

Some smart tips to do it:

  • Create a tagline and make sure it is reiterated throughout the entire website.
  • Make sure your fonts are easy to read on all devices and make cautious font selection.
  • Use pictures, graphics, and video whenever and everywhere you can.

You can make sure that every element of your website supports your brand in a unified way by establishing a clear brand identity while redesigning your education website. More visitors will become clients as a result of this.

#4. Leverage Testimonials and Social Proof

Do you have any idea how many people were swayed by prior customer reviews? Visitors will believe that customer reviews are more unbiased and truthful. Services with a good rating and testimonials from real followers will pique their interest more. In addition, when a follower interacts with your review, they generate 62% more revenue per site visitor.

Social media client reviews are useful since you can incorporate them into your website and show them there. If you include both the reviewer's name and pertinent details, it will appear more genuine.

The majority of visitors to your website will be unaware of you, your news, or the value you have to provide when they first come. They visit your website to learn more about all of those things, not because they already know who you are or what value you offer. Because of this, it's crucial to incorporate social proof into the redesign of your news website. A form of credibility indicator called social proof demonstrates to people that other people respect and accept what you have to say.

By giving potential visitors the impression that they are making informed choices when deciding whether or not to have from you, it helps to increase trust between your agency and them.

#5. Optimize Your Service Descriptions

Online visitors will always be uncertain and concerned about what they will receive in reality. Therefore, the quickest method to win visitors over is by giving them factual information about your services. Additionally, a service page that offers comprehensive details and comes across as reliable will aid in enhancing the website's reputation.

Don't be afraid to describe all the details in the service description. In order to build trust, put more effort into the descriptions by highlighting its advantages and, if it's possible, by adding visitors testimonials and reviews.

#6. Add a Blog and Publish Content

Try adding some engaging material to your websites other than the news pages and the home page, such as blogs and articles. Anything pertaining to your services, advice, and reviews are all fair game for the writing. In order to better respond to your visitors' questions, highlight your standout courses in easy-to-read guides and provide a simple explanation of the services you offer.

The goal is to add value, just like with any action you do in the direction of potential visitors. One of your most effective suggestions when redesign your news website can frequently take the form of educational content that gives visitors a better understanding of your services.

7#. Use attractive calls to action

Call-to-action buttons can aid in boosting conversion rates and motivating site visitors to act. They can assist you in motivating users to take the desired actions, such leaving information, contacting the customer service department, download an ebook, etc.

Make your call to action buttons as noticeable and appealing as you can by using vibrant colors like red, green, and orange,... Additionally, the call to action with strong wording is crucial. Customers will be drawn to your message by its color, but the text message itself will be what prompts them to take action.

Some great examples of calls to action texts you can refer to:

  • Click here for more information.

  • Get your copy for free.

  • Sign up for a webinar.

  • Watch the video.

  • See all marketing services.

  • See our pricing.

8#. Take advantage of psychology for your redesign website

It's a fact, some colors - like blue - increase credibility and establishes trust while some others - like red - increase conversions. Top selling platforms like WooCommerce know these tricks and use the psychology of color to their advantage. You should consider to apply the same technics when redesign your news website.

Perhaps the white space on your website makes you feel like you should narrow it down or somehow make better use of it. But wait, space has its own influence, therefore nothing is pointless. Users will be more able to concentrate on the material with the help of white space, which also serves to separate the text into sections and improves the readability and visibility of your page. Additionally, the use of white space contributes to the website's design looking more polished.

You should still be more careful how you utilize spaces, though. For instance, if there is too much white space at the top of the page, you will run out of room to display information. And pages that provide information if it is too little will be confusing, too many words lead to users not wanting to read.

9#. Update your website design

Website design is a factor that helps you build a first impression with the visitors. In addition, website design also helps you get the trust of visitors. According to research conducted by Kinesisinc, 75% of consumers admit to making judgments on a company’s credibility based on the company’s website design.

New trends in design are frequently developed each year. Your news website will appear outdated and be unable to play to its strengths if you don't update its look regularly. If your budget is tight, you might want to change your website's template in order to give it a more modern appearance and increase its visual appeal.

#10. Best Templates Examples for Redesign a news Website

These best practices for news website redesign can make sure that your website stands out from the crowd of rivals. Some of them will be rather clear, while others could contradict some of your preconceptions. But they're all crucial to bear in mind if you want to construct a great online user experience for your own news website.

News Home Page Templates Examples

Habernews - News and Magazine Joomla 5 Joomla 4 and Joomla 3 Template

Habernews - News and Magazine Joomla 5 Joomla 4 and Joomla 3 Template

Habernews is a Responsive Joomla Template built with the T3 Framework and Bootstrap 3 for News and Magazine websites. Habernews Joomla News and Magazine Template works with the most recent Joomla version. It has excellent graphics and features. You may now quickly adapt T3 Framework to your site thanks to recent enhancements, functionalities, and ease of use.

Main Features:

  • Powerful T3 Framework
  • 12 Preset Color Styles
  • Light and 4 Dark Versions
  • 20 Google Fonts
  • Google Map-Contact page

More about Habernews Habernews demo Get Hosting

Express - Newspaper & News Joomla Template

Express - Newspaper & News Joomla Template

For a personal blog, news, newspaper, publishing, or review site, the Express template is fantastic. Additionally, it is compatible with SoundCloud, Vimeo, and YouTube videos. Additionally, it is quick, easy, and adheres to the best clean SEO standards. This Joomla template in particular is the first to enable the Light & Dark color modes.

Main Features:

  • Build on Astroid Framework and Bootstrap 5
  • Clean and Professional Design
  • Hikashop – Best eCommerce extension for Joomla
  • Font Awesome 6 with 1000+ Icons
  • Quick, Dedicated & Professional Support

More about Express Express demo Get Hosting

Journey - Free Responsive News & Travel Joomla 4 Template

Journey - Free Responsive News & Travel Joomla 4 Template

An online travel magazine or a personal travel blog would both benefit from using the stylish and professional Joomla template ET Journey. The ideal approach for you and other travel bloggers to share with readers or website visitors a variety of useful travel advice, news, and information, etc. With the Helix Ultimate Framework and SP Page Builder included with this travel-themed Joomla template, you have access to a wide range of useful features to use and customize your website's look. Because of this, your site's high-quality material and pictures with clear details can leave an impression on readers and site visitors.

Main Features:

  • Clean and Professional Design
  • Improved Layout Manager
  • Mega Menu Generator
  • Font Awesome
  • Cross Browser Compatibility

More about Journey Journey demo Get Hosting

Coinews - Crytopcurrencies, Token and Coins News Joomla 4 Template

Coinews - Crytopcurrencies, Token and Coins News Joomla 4 Template

Using the LT Coinews Joomla template, give your cryptocurrency news website a fresh new design!
If you want to build a credible and useful website for coin or cryptocurrency news, you should give the LT Coinews Joomla template a shot. With SP Page Builder and Helix Ultimate Framework, the template was created, making it simple to change, add content to, or remove anything you don't need. Additionally, this template has sections for Font Awesome, Off-Canvas Menu, and Custom CSS/JS Code, making it simple to modify to meet your specific requirements. Additionally, it has a unique built-in design that is suited for contemporary mobile devices like iPhones, Android devices, and Windows mobile-based; it is ideal for individuals who wish to have an online presence that can reach a broader range.

Main Features:

  • Built on the powerful Helix Ultimate Framework
  • Clean and Professional Design
  • Unlimited Module positions
  • Cross-browser Compatible
  • Optimized for better User Experience

More about Coinews Coinews demo Get Hosting

Brenews - Free News Online Websites Joomla 4 Template

Brenews - Free News Online Websites Joomla 4 Template

The GT Brenews Joomla Templates provide an appealing way to build news websites with a lot of features and impact. These templates give news organizations, journalists, bloggers, and publishers the tools they need to provide their audiences with interesting and visually attractive information.

GT Brenews Joomla Templates give your news website a polished and professional appeal because of their modern and clean design. With the templates' numerous layout possibilities, you may aesthetically appealing present news pieces, breaking news, feature stories, editorials, and multimedia content.

Main Features:

  • Helix Ultimate 2 Framework
  • Clean and Professional Design
  • Unlimited Module positions
  • Custom offline and error page
  • Optimized for better User Experience

More about Brenews Brenews demo Get Hosting

Newspaper - Magazine, News Portal Joomla 4 Template

Newspaper - Magazine, News Portal Joomla 4 Template

Newspaper is a trendy online newspaper and news portal Joomla 4 Template that was created with magazine websites in mind. Your content will appear amazing on Desktops, Laptops, Tablets, and Mobiles thanks to a completely Responsive design that adapts flawlessly across today's devices.

A magazine, news portal Joomla 4 template is a pre-designed website template that is specifically designed for creating a magazine or news website using the Joomla 4 content management system (CMS). This type of template typically includes design elements and features that are suitable for a magazine or news website, such as customizable sections for displaying articles, images, and videos.

Main Features:

  • Bootstrap 5 Compatible
  • Featured Work with TZ Portfolio+
  • FontAwesome 1000+ Icons
  • Cross-browser Compatible
  • Optimized for better User Experience

More about Newspaper Newspaper demo Get Hosting

Ambrosia - News, Magazine, Media Online Joomla Template

Ambrosia - News, Magazine, Media Online Joomla Template

Ambrosia is a modern, flat design that is suitable for a content-centric site with big text volumes, such as a magazine or newspaper. A variety of complementing font is available to enhance and sharpen content elements.

The Gantry 5 Layout manager has a drag-and-drop interface that makes it simple to configure placements and particles. Furthermore, there are no longer any limitations on the amount of positions you can hold.

Main Features:

  • 6 Preset Styles
  • Block Variations
  • Unlimited Positions
  • Custom Particles
  • RokSprocket Styling

More about Ambrosia Ambrosia demo Get Hosting

Gazette - News, Magazine, and Blog Joomla Template

Gazette - News, Magazine, and Blog Joomla Template

Gazette is a complete and ready-to-use solution for any type of Newspaper or Magazine website that wishes to give daily news, celebrity gossip, or interesting data. Because this is a versatile multipurpose Joomla news and magazine template, you may quickly and easily apply it to a variety of sites (e. g. sports, lifestyle, health, technology, and politics).

Main Features:

  • 3 unique homepage variations
  • SP Author Archive component
  • Opt-in Form addon to generate leads
  • SP Tweet module, SP Poll component
  • Instagram feed, Twitter feed, tabbed articles

More about Gazette Gazette demo Get Hosting

Wrapping Up

These 10 tips and tricks listed above will assist you in redesign a news website efficiently and will improve the user experience for your visitors. We sincerely hope it may be of some use to you.

Please get in touch with us if you need any assistance creating, customizing, or redesigning your news website. On demand, we provide website building and customization services. We'll be glad to assist you if needed.

Your website may get out-of-date over time and may even stop functioning properly. Consequently, you must regularly assess the status of your website and maybe take the decision to redesign your news website. Otherwise, your visitors will leave and move on to the rival's website.

How to redesign a news website is a common question. In reality, often all it takes to fix issues are small adjustments. As a result, this blog post will provide you with some straightforward advice you can use to better the user experience on your news website and hence increase your traffic.

A news website's success depends heavily on its design. An appealing and user-friendly news website with quick loading times and easy navigation will go a long way toward helping you reach your goals of attracting new visitors, keeping them, and keeping them coming back.

Of course, a news website needs to have the necessary features in order to function effectively and efficiently; merely having the right appearance isn't enough.

There are more and more news templates available online, but with so many alternatives to redesign your news website, it could be difficult to choose the perfect template to set your site apart from the competition. However with this guide, you will be able to redesign your online agency and quickly convert casual visitors into devoted followers!

10 Tips and Tricks to Redesign a News Website

#1. Keep your website navigation easy to use

Simplifying website navigation should be your first step when redesign your news website. Your website's simple yet effective navigation will probably save your visitors some time when they browse on your pages. Your visitors are more likely to become your followers and potentially come back to your site later if they can quickly locate what they're looking for.

Visitors anticipate being able to enter and exit your website as quickly as possible, like any other modern website. In terms of redesigning a news website, this frequently entails removing navigational options that won't be used anyway (unless they are absolutely necessary). Think like a visitor to see what they want when entering a new site; identify a service and try to find it without previous knowledge of your site. Every improvement to your site navigation could have a benefic effect on the user experience and your incomes.

Hubspot published recently The Essential Guide to Website Navigation which give you many useful information about a website navigation.

#2. Increase your website load speed

Slow page load times are one of the main factors contributing to a higher bounce rate. A recent Google study found that the probability of bounce increase by 32% when visitors wait just 3 seconds for a website to load, and that percentage is increasing every year. If your website doesn't load quickly enough, you risk losing potential incomes from those visitors. Therefore, you must speed up your page loading in order to enhance the functionality of your website. But how should one go about doing it?

Bounce rate increase per page load time

Source: Think with Google / SOASTA Research, 2017

First, you can use the free PageSpeed Insights tool to control your page load speed. This tool also diagnoses your problems and offers solutions to fix them.

Here some points you should care about to make your news website faster:

  • Optimize your images weight

  • Reduce plugins and addons usage

  • Clean up the CMS and its template

  • Limit requests as much as possible

  • Use a CDN (Content Delivery Network)

  • Optimize the homepage of your site

  • Consider a better hosting partner

  • Don't use too many redirections

#3. Everything Relies on Your Branding

Every website has its own brand identity, which describes how users view the company based on factors like its name and visual presentation. When considering redesign a news website, you should pay close attention to the brand identity.

Some smart tips to do it:

  • Create a tagline and make sure it is reiterated throughout the entire website.
  • Make sure your fonts are easy to read on all devices and make cautious font selection.
  • Use pictures, graphics, and video whenever and everywhere you can.

You can make sure that every element of your website supports your brand in a unified way by establishing a clear brand identity while redesigning your education website. More visitors will become clients as a result of this.

#4. Leverage Testimonials and Social Proof

Do you have any idea how many people were swayed by prior customer reviews? Visitors will believe that customer reviews are more unbiased and truthful. Services with a good rating and testimonials from real followers will pique their interest more. In addition, when a follower interacts with your review, they generate 62% more revenue per site visitor.

Social media client reviews are useful since you can incorporate them into your website and show them there. If you include both the reviewer's name and pertinent details, it will appear more genuine.

The majority of visitors to your website will be unaware of you, your news, or the value you have to provide when they first come. They visit your website to learn more about all of those things, not because they already know who you are or what value you offer. Because of this, it's crucial to incorporate social proof into the redesign of your news website. A form of credibility indicator called social proof demonstrates to people that other people respect and accept what you have to say.

By giving potential visitors the impression that they are making informed choices when deciding whether or not to have from you, it helps to increase trust between your agency and them.

#5. Optimize Your Service Descriptions

Online visitors will always be uncertain and concerned about what they will receive in reality. Therefore, the quickest method to win visitors over is by giving them factual information about your services. Additionally, a service page that offers comprehensive details and comes across as reliable will aid in enhancing the website's reputation.

Don't be afraid to describe all the details in the service description. In order to build trust, put more effort into the descriptions by highlighting its advantages and, if it's possible, by adding visitors testimonials and reviews.

#6. Add a Blog and Publish Content

Try adding some engaging material to your websites other than the news pages and the home page, such as blogs and articles. Anything pertaining to your services, advice, and reviews are all fair game for the writing. In order to better respond to your visitors' questions, highlight your standout courses in easy-to-read guides and provide a simple explanation of the services you offer.

The goal is to add value, just like with any action you do in the direction of potential visitors. One of your most effective suggestions when redesign your news website can frequently take the form of educational content that gives visitors a better understanding of your services.

7#. Use attractive calls to action

Call-to-action buttons can aid in boosting conversion rates and motivating site visitors to act. They can assist you in motivating users to take the desired actions, such leaving information, contacting the customer service department, download an ebook, etc.

Make your call to action buttons as noticeable and appealing as you can by using vibrant colors like red, green, and orange,... Additionally, the call to action with strong wording is crucial. Customers will be drawn to your message by its color, but the text message itself will be what prompts them to take action.

Some great examples of calls to action texts you can refer to:

  • Click here for more information.

  • Get your copy for free.

  • Sign up for a webinar.

  • Watch the video.

  • See all marketing services.

  • See our pricing.

8#. Take advantage of psychology for your redesign website

It's a fact, some colors - like blue - increase credibility and establishes trust while some others - like red - increase conversions. Top selling platforms like WooCommerce know these tricks and use the psychology of color to their advantage. You should consider to apply the same technics when redesign your news website.

Perhaps the white space on your website makes you feel like you should narrow it down or somehow make better use of it. But wait, space has its own influence, therefore nothing is pointless. Users will be more able to concentrate on the material with the help of white space, which also serves to separate the text into sections and improves the readability and visibility of your page. Additionally, the use of white space contributes to the website's design looking more polished.

You should still be more careful how you utilize spaces, though. For instance, if there is too much white space at the top of the page, you will run out of room to display information. And pages that provide information if it is too little will be confusing, too many words lead to users not wanting to read.

9#. Update your website design

Website design is a factor that helps you build a first impression with the visitors. In addition, website design also helps you get the trust of visitors. According to research conducted by Kinesisinc, 75% of consumers admit to making judgments on a company’s credibility based on the company’s website design.

New trends in design are frequently developed each year. Your news website will appear outdated and be unable to play to its strengths if you don't update its look regularly. If your budget is tight, you might want to change your website's template in order to give it a more modern appearance and increase its visual appeal.

#10. Best Templates Examples for Redesign a news Website

These best practices for news website redesign can make sure that your website stands out from the crowd of rivals. Some of them will be rather clear, while others could contradict some of your preconceptions. But they're all crucial to bear in mind if you want to construct a great online user experience for your own news website.

News Home Page Templates Examples

Habernews - News and Magazine Joomla 5 Joomla 4 and Joomla 3 Template

Habernews - News and Magazine Joomla 5 Joomla 4 and Joomla 3 Template

Habernews is a Responsive Joomla Template built with the T3 Framework and Bootstrap 3 for News and Magazine websites. Habernews Joomla News and Magazine Template works with the most recent Joomla version. It has excellent graphics and features. You may now quickly adapt T3 Framework to your site thanks to recent enhancements, functionalities, and ease of use.

Main Features:

  • Powerful T3 Framework
  • 12 Preset Color Styles
  • Light and 4 Dark Versions
  • 20 Google Fonts
  • Google Map-Contact page

More about Habernews Habernews demo Get Hosting

Express - Newspaper & News Joomla Template

Express - Newspaper & News Joomla Template

For a personal blog, news, newspaper, publishing, or review site, the Express template is fantastic. Additionally, it is compatible with SoundCloud, Vimeo, and YouTube videos. Additionally, it is quick, easy, and adheres to the best clean SEO standards. This Joomla template in particular is the first to enable the Light & Dark color modes.

Main Features:

  • Build on Astroid Framework and Bootstrap 5
  • Clean and Professional Design
  • Hikashop – Best eCommerce extension for Joomla
  • Font Awesome 6 with 1000+ Icons
  • Quick, Dedicated & Professional Support

More about Express Express demo Get Hosting

Journey - Free Responsive News & Travel Joomla 4 Template

Journey - Free Responsive News & Travel Joomla 4 Template

An online travel magazine or a personal travel blog would both benefit from using the stylish and professional Joomla template ET Journey. The ideal approach for you and other travel bloggers to share with readers or website visitors a variety of useful travel advice, news, and information, etc. With the Helix Ultimate Framework and SP Page Builder included with this travel-themed Joomla template, you have access to a wide range of useful features to use and customize your website's look. Because of this, your site's high-quality material and pictures with clear details can leave an impression on readers and site visitors.

Main Features:

  • Clean and Professional Design
  • Improved Layout Manager
  • Mega Menu Generator
  • Font Awesome
  • Cross Browser Compatibility

More about Journey Journey demo Get Hosting

Coinews - Crytopcurrencies, Token and Coins News Joomla 4 Template

Coinews - Crytopcurrencies, Token and Coins News Joomla 4 Template

Using the LT Coinews Joomla template, give your cryptocurrency news website a fresh new design!
If you want to build a credible and useful website for coin or cryptocurrency news, you should give the LT Coinews Joomla template a shot. With SP Page Builder and Helix Ultimate Framework, the template was created, making it simple to change, add content to, or remove anything you don't need. Additionally, this template has sections for Font Awesome, Off-Canvas Menu, and Custom CSS/JS Code, making it simple to modify to meet your specific requirements. Additionally, it has a unique built-in design that is suited for contemporary mobile devices like iPhones, Android devices, and Windows mobile-based; it is ideal for individuals who wish to have an online presence that can reach a broader range.

Main Features:

  • Built on the powerful Helix Ultimate Framework
  • Clean and Professional Design
  • Unlimited Module positions
  • Cross-browser Compatible
  • Optimized for better User Experience

More about Coinews Coinews demo Get Hosting

Brenews - Free News Online Websites Joomla 4 Template

Brenews - Free News Online Websites Joomla 4 Template

The GT Brenews Joomla Templates provide an appealing way to build news websites with a lot of features and impact. These templates give news organizations, journalists, bloggers, and publishers the tools they need to provide their audiences with interesting and visually attractive information.

GT Brenews Joomla Templates give your news website a polished and professional appeal because of their modern and clean design. With the templates' numerous layout possibilities, you may aesthetically appealing present news pieces, breaking news, feature stories, editorials, and multimedia content.

Main Features:

  • Helix Ultimate 2 Framework
  • Clean and Professional Design
  • Unlimited Module positions
  • Custom offline and error page
  • Optimized for better User Experience

More about Brenews Brenews demo Get Hosting

Newspaper - Magazine, News Portal Joomla 4 Template

Newspaper - Magazine, News Portal Joomla 4 Template

Newspaper is a trendy online newspaper and news portal Joomla 4 Template that was created with magazine websites in mind. Your content will appear amazing on Desktops, Laptops, Tablets, and Mobiles thanks to a completely Responsive design that adapts flawlessly across today's devices.

A magazine, news portal Joomla 4 template is a pre-designed website template that is specifically designed for creating a magazine or news website using the Joomla 4 content management system (CMS). This type of template typically includes design elements and features that are suitable for a magazine or news website, such as customizable sections for displaying articles, images, and videos.

Main Features:

  • Bootstrap 5 Compatible
  • Featured Work with TZ Portfolio+
  • FontAwesome 1000+ Icons
  • Cross-browser Compatible
  • Optimized for better User Experience

More about Newspaper Newspaper demo Get Hosting

Ambrosia - News, Magazine, Media Online Joomla Template

Ambrosia - News, Magazine, Media Online Joomla Template

Ambrosia is a modern, flat design that is suitable for a content-centric site with big text volumes, such as a magazine or newspaper. A variety of complementing font is available to enhance and sharpen content elements.

The Gantry 5 Layout manager has a drag-and-drop interface that makes it simple to configure placements and particles. Furthermore, there are no longer any limitations on the amount of positions you can hold.

Main Features:

  • 6 Preset Styles
  • Block Variations
  • Unlimited Positions
  • Custom Particles
  • RokSprocket Styling

More about Ambrosia Ambrosia demo Get Hosting

Gazette - News, Magazine, and Blog Joomla Template

Gazette - News, Magazine, and Blog Joomla Template

Gazette is a complete and ready-to-use solution for any type of Newspaper or Magazine website that wishes to give daily news, celebrity gossip, or interesting data. Because this is a versatile multipurpose Joomla news and magazine template, you may quickly and easily apply it to a variety of sites (e. g. sports, lifestyle, health, technology, and politics).

Main Features:

  • 3 unique homepage variations
  • SP Author Archive component
  • Opt-in Form addon to generate leads
  • SP Tweet module, SP Poll component
  • Instagram feed, Twitter feed, tabbed articles

More about Gazette Gazette demo Get Hosting

Wrapping Up

These 10 tips and tricks listed above will assist you in redesign a news website efficiently and will improve the user experience for your visitors. We sincerely hope it may be of some use to you.

Please get in touch with us if you need any assistance creating, customizing, or redesigning your news website. On demand, we provide website building and customization services. We'll be glad to assist you if needed.