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Template Informations

Joomla 4, Joomla 5
17 August 2021
27 August 2022
Single purchase, Club membership
Business & Corporate

Template Description

Another responsive business template dedicated to construction companies, builders, and the civil engineering industry in general is the Construction template. Once again, we are assisting our members in creating sites for "real world" clients. As a result, this template is not overburdened with features that you would never utilize in the building of real websites for real clients.

Construction and construction enterprises can be found anywhere. There is no place on the planet where such businesses do not exist. Such businesses plan and construct all of the structures in which we live, work, go to school or university, seek medical attention when we are ill, or go to rest and shop.

Many criteria can be used to classify companies in the civil engineering industry. The Construction template, on the other hand, can be used to create a website for any company in this industry.

The top section of the home page is dedicated to navigation, search, and the most significant company information (phone and address). Such features should be prominently displayed across the site of this type. The homepage has a mobile and touch-friendly carousel with some excellent animation effects for images and text. Further down the home page, you can see some wonderfully created icons that direct the visitor to the services provided by the building company. There's also a news and blog section containing the most recent Joomla articles. 

We have integrated a simple responsive gallery module and a carousel with client testimonials in the Construction template. The Maps module is present on all pages and helps site visitors discover the firm more easily. This program may generate several map styles, however we choose a greyscale mode for this example.

The inner pages of the Construction template are, as expected, simpler and have less components on the page. The right column includes navigation links for the company's services as well as a brief description of the company.

Template Features

  • Fully Responsive Design
  • Built on Sparky Framework
  • Clean and Professional Design
  • Cross Browser Compatible
  • Google Mobile-Friendly Test PASSED
  • Support for RTL (right-to-left) languages
  • Unlimited module positions
  • 5 pre-defined color styles included
  • Detailed documentation
  • and much more…

Template Informations

Joomla 4, Joomla 5
17 August 2021
27 August 2022
Single purchase, Club membership
Business & Corporate

Template Description

Another responsive business template dedicated to construction companies, builders, and the civil engineering industry in general is the Construction template. Once again, we are assisting our members in creating sites for "real world" clients. As a result, this template is not overburdened with features that you would never utilize in the building of real websites for real clients.

Construction and construction enterprises can be found anywhere. There is no place on the planet where such businesses do not exist. Such businesses plan and construct all of the structures in which we live, work, go to school or university, seek medical attention when we are ill, or go to rest and shop.

Many criteria can be used to classify companies in the civil engineering industry. The Construction template, on the other hand, can be used to create a website for any company in this industry.

The top section of the home page is dedicated to navigation, search, and the most significant company information (phone and address). Such features should be prominently displayed across the site of this type. The homepage has a mobile and touch-friendly carousel with some excellent animation effects for images and text. Further down the home page, you can see some wonderfully created icons that direct the visitor to the services provided by the building company. There's also a news and blog section containing the most recent Joomla articles. 

We have integrated a simple responsive gallery module and a carousel with client testimonials in the Construction template. The Maps module is present on all pages and helps site visitors discover the firm more easily. This program may generate several map styles, however we choose a greyscale mode for this example.

The inner pages of the Construction template are, as expected, simpler and have less components on the page. The right column includes navigation links for the company's services as well as a brief description of the company.

Template Features

  • Fully Responsive Design
  • Built on Sparky Framework
  • Clean and Professional Design
  • Cross Browser Compatible
  • Google Mobile-Friendly Test PASSED
  • Support for RTL (right-to-left) languages
  • Unlimited module positions
  • 5 pre-defined color styles included
  • Detailed documentation
  • and much more…

Template Informations

Joomla 4, Joomla 5
17 August 2021
27 August 2022
Single purchase, Club membership
Business & Corporate

Template Description

Another responsive business template dedicated to construction companies, builders, and the civil engineering industry in general is the Construction template. Once again, we are assisting our members in creating sites for "real world" clients. As a result, this template is not overburdened with features that you would never utilize in the building of real websites for real clients.

Construction and construction enterprises can be found anywhere. There is no place on the planet where such businesses do not exist. Such businesses plan and construct all of the structures in which we live, work, go to school or university, seek medical attention when we are ill, or go to rest and shop.

Many criteria can be used to classify companies in the civil engineering industry. The Construction template, on the other hand, can be used to create a website for any company in this industry.

The top section of the home page is dedicated to navigation, search, and the most significant company information (phone and address). Such features should be prominently displayed across the site of this type. The homepage has a mobile and touch-friendly carousel with some excellent animation effects for images and text. Further down the home page, you can see some wonderfully created icons that direct the visitor to the services provided by the building company. There's also a news and blog section containing the most recent Joomla articles. 

We have integrated a simple responsive gallery module and a carousel with client testimonials in the Construction template. The Maps module is present on all pages and helps site visitors discover the firm more easily. This program may generate several map styles, however we choose a greyscale mode for this example.

The inner pages of the Construction template are, as expected, simpler and have less components on the page. The right column includes navigation links for the company's services as well as a brief description of the company.

Template Features

  • Fully Responsive Design
  • Built on Sparky Framework
  • Clean and Professional Design
  • Cross Browser Compatible
  • Google Mobile-Friendly Test PASSED
  • Support for RTL (right-to-left) languages
  • Unlimited module positions
  • 5 pre-defined color styles included
  • Detailed documentation
  • and much more…

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