There are 2452 Joomla templates listed here!

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Template Informations

Joomla 4
19 October 2022
01 July 2017
Single purchase, Club membership
Blog, News & Magazine

Template Description

JoomShaper's NewsKit Joomla 4 template is simple and functional. It's the finest option for any news, magazine, publication, or review site. NewsKit concentrates on media, communication, and trends. It has two layouts for featured stories and a grid-based layout for homepages.

NewsKit is appropriate for a wide range of periodicals, blogs, and audiences. It is intended to be a quick and simple option for anyone who want to construct a professional-looking internet portal about their own city or local community. NewsKit is a modern, attractive Joomla template with an all-in-one design that allows you to highlight your most significant or recent articles. The demo layout is, as always, incredibly user-friendly and easily customizable.

Because it is natively translated and RTL ready, this Joomla 4 template can be used with any language. It also supports Retina display standards, which allow for better resolution graphics. NewsKit is built on the award-winning Helix3 template framework by JoomShaper. It builds pages with SP Page Builder Pro ($49 value), which is included in the template QuickStart bundle for free. The live frontend visual drag and drop interface makes adding, modifying, and altering objects on a page extremely fast and straightforward. Integration with AcyMailing newsletters is also a significant plus. While we provide four default colors within, Helix options allow you to create a limitless number of color combinations. Create a great magazine website in a matter of hours!

NewsKit is a fantastic template for any newspaper, magazine, professional blog, fashion blog, editorial, publishing, or review site. NewsKit is a fully responsive template that can be used to simply develop any news niche such as technology, politics, sports, health, games, and fashion sites. NewsKit, built with the SP Page Builder Pro drag and drop design system and the Helix3 template framework, includes the SP Poll component and the SP Tweet module, which help to create a more rich and effective news portal.

Template Features

  • Fully Responsive Design
  • 2 Homepage Variations
  • 4 customizable color presets
  • Article Slider addon, Headline addon
  • Thumb Gallery addon, News Gallery addon
  • Translation and Retina ready
  • AcyMailing newsletter Included
  • SP Tweet module, SP Poll component
  • Quick, Dedicated & Professional Support
  • and much more…

Template Informations

Joomla 4
19 October 2022
01 July 2017
Single purchase, Club membership
Blog, News & Magazine

Template Description

JoomShaper's NewsKit Joomla 4 template is simple and functional. It's the finest option for any news, magazine, publication, or review site. NewsKit concentrates on media, communication, and trends. It has two layouts for featured stories and a grid-based layout for homepages.

NewsKit is appropriate for a wide range of periodicals, blogs, and audiences. It is intended to be a quick and simple option for anyone who want to construct a professional-looking internet portal about their own city or local community. NewsKit is a modern, attractive Joomla template with an all-in-one design that allows you to highlight your most significant or recent articles. The demo layout is, as always, incredibly user-friendly and easily customizable.

Because it is natively translated and RTL ready, this Joomla 4 template can be used with any language. It also supports Retina display standards, which allow for better resolution graphics. NewsKit is built on the award-winning Helix3 template framework by JoomShaper. It builds pages with SP Page Builder Pro ($49 value), which is included in the template QuickStart bundle for free. The live frontend visual drag and drop interface makes adding, modifying, and altering objects on a page extremely fast and straightforward. Integration with AcyMailing newsletters is also a significant plus. While we provide four default colors within, Helix options allow you to create a limitless number of color combinations. Create a great magazine website in a matter of hours!

NewsKit is a fantastic template for any newspaper, magazine, professional blog, fashion blog, editorial, publishing, or review site. NewsKit is a fully responsive template that can be used to simply develop any news niche such as technology, politics, sports, health, games, and fashion sites. NewsKit, built with the SP Page Builder Pro drag and drop design system and the Helix3 template framework, includes the SP Poll component and the SP Tweet module, which help to create a more rich and effective news portal.

Template Features

  • Fully Responsive Design
  • 2 Homepage Variations
  • 4 customizable color presets
  • Article Slider addon, Headline addon
  • Thumb Gallery addon, News Gallery addon
  • Translation and Retina ready
  • AcyMailing newsletter Included
  • SP Tweet module, SP Poll component
  • Quick, Dedicated & Professional Support
  • and much more…

Template Informations

Joomla 4
19 October 2022
01 July 2017
Single purchase, Club membership
Blog, News & Magazine

Template Description

JoomShaper's NewsKit Joomla 4 template is simple and functional. It's the finest option for any news, magazine, publication, or review site. NewsKit concentrates on media, communication, and trends. It has two layouts for featured stories and a grid-based layout for homepages.

NewsKit is appropriate for a wide range of periodicals, blogs, and audiences. It is intended to be a quick and simple option for anyone who want to construct a professional-looking internet portal about their own city or local community. NewsKit is a modern, attractive Joomla template with an all-in-one design that allows you to highlight your most significant or recent articles. The demo layout is, as always, incredibly user-friendly and easily customizable.

Because it is natively translated and RTL ready, this Joomla 4 template can be used with any language. It also supports Retina display standards, which allow for better resolution graphics. NewsKit is built on the award-winning Helix3 template framework by JoomShaper. It builds pages with SP Page Builder Pro ($49 value), which is included in the template QuickStart bundle for free. The live frontend visual drag and drop interface makes adding, modifying, and altering objects on a page extremely fast and straightforward. Integration with AcyMailing newsletters is also a significant plus. While we provide four default colors within, Helix options allow you to create a limitless number of color combinations. Create a great magazine website in a matter of hours!

NewsKit is a fantastic template for any newspaper, magazine, professional blog, fashion blog, editorial, publishing, or review site. NewsKit is a fully responsive template that can be used to simply develop any news niche such as technology, politics, sports, health, games, and fashion sites. NewsKit, built with the SP Page Builder Pro drag and drop design system and the Helix3 template framework, includes the SP Poll component and the SP Tweet module, which help to create a more rich and effective news portal.

Template Features

  • Fully Responsive Design
  • 2 Homepage Variations
  • 4 customizable color presets
  • Article Slider addon, Headline addon
  • Thumb Gallery addon, News Gallery addon
  • Translation and Retina ready
  • AcyMailing newsletter Included
  • SP Tweet module, SP Poll component
  • Quick, Dedicated & Professional Support
  • and much more…

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