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Template Informations

Joomla 4
29 October 2021
20 August 2022
Single purchase, Club membership
Business & Corporate, Miscellaneous

Template Description

Supra is a feature-rich template that is uncompromising in its versatility. Create stunning background slideshows in seconds and personalize your site with over 25 powerful particles that make creating a comprehensive website a breeze.

Typography is a vital tool in not only site design, but also in how your users perceive and use your content. As a result, Supra provides a diverse range of attractive typography to draw attention to various content categories.

Supra fully exploits Gantry's new inheritance system, making it easier than ever to configure and manage your website using synchronised particles, atoms, sections, and layouts. Save time by avoiding repetitive modifications via inheritance!

A Joomla 4 template for businesses, corporations, and agencies should have the following characteristics:

  1. Clean and professional design: The template should have a clean and professional design that reflects the seriousness and credibility of the business.

  2. Responsive layout: The template should be responsive and adapt to different screen sizes, providing a great user experience on desktop and mobile devices.

  3. Easy customization: The template should be easy to customize, allowing the user to personalize the website to their brand and requirements.

  4. Services showcase: The template should have a services showcase to highlight the business's offerings, with sections for descriptions, pricing, and images.

  5. Team member showcase: The template should have a section to showcase the team members, with detailed information and images.

  6. Blog integration: The template should have integrated blogging capabilities, allowing the business to share news, updates, and other information with their audience.

  7. Contact form: The template should include a contact form, allowing potential clients to get in touch with the business.

  8. Testimonial section: The template should have a section for showcasing testimonials from satisfied clients, providing social proof and credibility.

  9. Fast loading speed: The template should have optimized code and loading speed to ensure a fast and smooth user experience.

  10. SEO-friendly: The template should be SEO-friendly, making it easier for the website to rank well in search engines.

Template Features

  • Fully Responsive Design
  • 6 Preset Styles
  • Built on Gantry 5 Framework
  • Font Awesome Icons
  • Social Icons
  • Cross-browser Compatible
  • Unlimited module positions
  • Optimized for better User Experience
  • Detailed documentation
  • and much more…

Template Informations

Joomla 4
29 October 2021
20 August 2022
Single purchase, Club membership
Business & Corporate, Miscellaneous

Template Description

Supra is a feature-rich template that is uncompromising in its versatility. Create stunning background slideshows in seconds and personalize your site with over 25 powerful particles that make creating a comprehensive website a breeze.

Typography is a vital tool in not only site design, but also in how your users perceive and use your content. As a result, Supra provides a diverse range of attractive typography to draw attention to various content categories.

Supra fully exploits Gantry's new inheritance system, making it easier than ever to configure and manage your website using synchronised particles, atoms, sections, and layouts. Save time by avoiding repetitive modifications via inheritance!

A Joomla 4 template for businesses, corporations, and agencies should have the following characteristics:

  1. Clean and professional design: The template should have a clean and professional design that reflects the seriousness and credibility of the business.

  2. Responsive layout: The template should be responsive and adapt to different screen sizes, providing a great user experience on desktop and mobile devices.

  3. Easy customization: The template should be easy to customize, allowing the user to personalize the website to their brand and requirements.

  4. Services showcase: The template should have a services showcase to highlight the business's offerings, with sections for descriptions, pricing, and images.

  5. Team member showcase: The template should have a section to showcase the team members, with detailed information and images.

  6. Blog integration: The template should have integrated blogging capabilities, allowing the business to share news, updates, and other information with their audience.

  7. Contact form: The template should include a contact form, allowing potential clients to get in touch with the business.

  8. Testimonial section: The template should have a section for showcasing testimonials from satisfied clients, providing social proof and credibility.

  9. Fast loading speed: The template should have optimized code and loading speed to ensure a fast and smooth user experience.

  10. SEO-friendly: The template should be SEO-friendly, making it easier for the website to rank well in search engines.

Template Features

  • Fully Responsive Design
  • 6 Preset Styles
  • Built on Gantry 5 Framework
  • Font Awesome Icons
  • Social Icons
  • Cross-browser Compatible
  • Unlimited module positions
  • Optimized for better User Experience
  • Detailed documentation
  • and much more…

Template Informations

Joomla 4
29 October 2021
20 August 2022
Single purchase, Club membership
Business & Corporate, Miscellaneous

Template Description

Supra is a feature-rich template that is uncompromising in its versatility. Create stunning background slideshows in seconds and personalize your site with over 25 powerful particles that make creating a comprehensive website a breeze.

Typography is a vital tool in not only site design, but also in how your users perceive and use your content. As a result, Supra provides a diverse range of attractive typography to draw attention to various content categories.

Supra fully exploits Gantry's new inheritance system, making it easier than ever to configure and manage your website using synchronised particles, atoms, sections, and layouts. Save time by avoiding repetitive modifications via inheritance!

A Joomla 4 template for businesses, corporations, and agencies should have the following characteristics:

  1. Clean and professional design: The template should have a clean and professional design that reflects the seriousness and credibility of the business.

  2. Responsive layout: The template should be responsive and adapt to different screen sizes, providing a great user experience on desktop and mobile devices.

  3. Easy customization: The template should be easy to customize, allowing the user to personalize the website to their brand and requirements.

  4. Services showcase: The template should have a services showcase to highlight the business's offerings, with sections for descriptions, pricing, and images.

  5. Team member showcase: The template should have a section to showcase the team members, with detailed information and images.

  6. Blog integration: The template should have integrated blogging capabilities, allowing the business to share news, updates, and other information with their audience.

  7. Contact form: The template should include a contact form, allowing potential clients to get in touch with the business.

  8. Testimonial section: The template should have a section for showcasing testimonials from satisfied clients, providing social proof and credibility.

  9. Fast loading speed: The template should have optimized code and loading speed to ensure a fast and smooth user experience.

  10. SEO-friendly: The template should be SEO-friendly, making it easier for the website to rank well in search engines.

Template Features

  • Fully Responsive Design
  • 6 Preset Styles
  • Built on Gantry 5 Framework
  • Font Awesome Icons
  • Social Icons
  • Cross-browser Compatible
  • Unlimited module positions
  • Optimized for better User Experience
  • Detailed documentation
  • and much more…

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