There are 2452 Joomla templates listed here!

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Template Informations

Joomla 4, Joomla 5
17 August 2021
27 August 2022
Single purchase, Club membership

Template Description

Hot Polygons is a unique Joomla 4 template! It dynamically generates polygonal backdrops. Try refreshing our example several times to notice how the background changes. Furthermore, this is a vector image rather than a bitmap, and it loads lightning fast!

The Hot Polygons template displays Joomla articles in an overlay with some cool HTML5 and CSS3 animation effects. This is another another notable and odd characteristic of this template. And, of course, everything is completely responsive, mobile-friendly, and eye-catching! In this template, you create your Joomla articles as usual and then assign each of them an intro image (preferably 1920 x 500 pixels).

Make sure you just used one sentence for your intro text. You can do whatever you like with the remainder of the content in your post. Your articles can be as long as you need them to be and can include additional photographs. You can categorize your articles in the same way that you would in Joomla.

Make sure you see the live demo of this template because that is the only way to truly "feel" how it operates.

This template, as shown in our sample, opens articles without loading the individual article pages. When you click on any of the article images, an overlay mode will appear, followed by a stunning HTML5 animation. The complete image and text of the article will be displayed here. Following the content, there is a permanent link to the article.

Please follow the following principles when generating your own articles to ensure they look like our demo articles:

- Avoid using too long intro text (this is text before "Read More tag). There should only be one sentence there.
- Each article should have a featured image. Select an image for the "Intro image" field while editing an article. It is advised to utilize photos with a resolution of 1920x500px.
- If no intro picture is selected for any article, the default image will be used. It's stored in "images/default.jpg". If you wish to alter the default image, replace it with one of your choosing (resolution is 1920x500px).

Template Features

  • Fully Responsive Design
  • Built on Sparky Framework
  • Clean and Professional Design
  • Cross Browser Compatible
  • Google Mobile-Friendly Test PASSED
  • Mega Menu Builder & Off-Canvas Menu
  • Unlimited module positions
  • 5 pre-defined color styles included
  • Well Documented
  • and much more…

Template Informations

Joomla 4, Joomla 5
17 August 2021
27 August 2022
Single purchase, Club membership

Template Description

Hot Polygons is a unique Joomla 4 template! It dynamically generates polygonal backdrops. Try refreshing our example several times to notice how the background changes. Furthermore, this is a vector image rather than a bitmap, and it loads lightning fast!

The Hot Polygons template displays Joomla articles in an overlay with some cool HTML5 and CSS3 animation effects. This is another another notable and odd characteristic of this template. And, of course, everything is completely responsive, mobile-friendly, and eye-catching! In this template, you create your Joomla articles as usual and then assign each of them an intro image (preferably 1920 x 500 pixels).

Make sure you just used one sentence for your intro text. You can do whatever you like with the remainder of the content in your post. Your articles can be as long as you need them to be and can include additional photographs. You can categorize your articles in the same way that you would in Joomla.

Make sure you see the live demo of this template because that is the only way to truly "feel" how it operates.

This template, as shown in our sample, opens articles without loading the individual article pages. When you click on any of the article images, an overlay mode will appear, followed by a stunning HTML5 animation. The complete image and text of the article will be displayed here. Following the content, there is a permanent link to the article.

Please follow the following principles when generating your own articles to ensure they look like our demo articles:

- Avoid using too long intro text (this is text before "Read More tag). There should only be one sentence there.
- Each article should have a featured image. Select an image for the "Intro image" field while editing an article. It is advised to utilize photos with a resolution of 1920x500px.
- If no intro picture is selected for any article, the default image will be used. It's stored in "images/default.jpg". If you wish to alter the default image, replace it with one of your choosing (resolution is 1920x500px).

Template Features

  • Fully Responsive Design
  • Built on Sparky Framework
  • Clean and Professional Design
  • Cross Browser Compatible
  • Google Mobile-Friendly Test PASSED
  • Mega Menu Builder & Off-Canvas Menu
  • Unlimited module positions
  • 5 pre-defined color styles included
  • Well Documented
  • and much more…

Template Informations

Joomla 4, Joomla 5
17 August 2021
27 August 2022
Single purchase, Club membership

Template Description

Hot Polygons is a unique Joomla 4 template! It dynamically generates polygonal backdrops. Try refreshing our example several times to notice how the background changes. Furthermore, this is a vector image rather than a bitmap, and it loads lightning fast!

The Hot Polygons template displays Joomla articles in an overlay with some cool HTML5 and CSS3 animation effects. This is another another notable and odd characteristic of this template. And, of course, everything is completely responsive, mobile-friendly, and eye-catching! In this template, you create your Joomla articles as usual and then assign each of them an intro image (preferably 1920 x 500 pixels).

Make sure you just used one sentence for your intro text. You can do whatever you like with the remainder of the content in your post. Your articles can be as long as you need them to be and can include additional photographs. You can categorize your articles in the same way that you would in Joomla.

Make sure you see the live demo of this template because that is the only way to truly "feel" how it operates.

This template, as shown in our sample, opens articles without loading the individual article pages. When you click on any of the article images, an overlay mode will appear, followed by a stunning HTML5 animation. The complete image and text of the article will be displayed here. Following the content, there is a permanent link to the article.

Please follow the following principles when generating your own articles to ensure they look like our demo articles:

- Avoid using too long intro text (this is text before "Read More tag). There should only be one sentence there.
- Each article should have a featured image. Select an image for the "Intro image" field while editing an article. It is advised to utilize photos with a resolution of 1920x500px.
- If no intro picture is selected for any article, the default image will be used. It's stored in "images/default.jpg". If you wish to alter the default image, replace it with one of your choosing (resolution is 1920x500px).

Template Features

  • Fully Responsive Design
  • Built on Sparky Framework
  • Clean and Professional Design
  • Cross Browser Compatible
  • Google Mobile-Friendly Test PASSED
  • Mega Menu Builder & Off-Canvas Menu
  • Unlimited module positions
  • 5 pre-defined color styles included
  • Well Documented
  • and much more…

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