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Template Informations

Joomla 4, Joomla 5
23 November 2023
22 February 2019
Single purchase, Club membership
Business & Corporate

Template Description

Ariana works at a Responsive Digital Agency. Joomla Theme has a modern and clean design. It is suitable for corporate/business websites, creative firms, and other enterprises. It works flawlessly on all major browsers, tablets, and smartphones.

A digital agency is a company that provides a range of services related to the creation, development, and marketing of digital products and services. These services may include website design and development, search engine optimization, social media marketing, and other online marketing services.

A one-page website is a type of website that displays all of its content on a single web page. Instead of clicking through multiple pages to access different pieces of information, the visitor can scroll down to view the content on the same page.

A digital agency one page Joomla template would be a pre-designed template specifically designed for use as a one-page website for a digital agency. It would likely include features such as a clean, modern design, information about the agency's services and capabilities, and a contact form or other call-to-action for visitors to get in touch with the agency.

Template Features

  • Drag & Drop Joomla! Page Builder
  • Well formatted and commented
  • Well documented
  • Based on Helix Ultimate 2 Framework
  • Quickinstall included!
  • Import template's settings
  • and much more…

Template Informations

Joomla 4, Joomla 5
23 November 2023
22 February 2019
Single purchase, Club membership
Business & Corporate

Template Description

Ariana works at a Responsive Digital Agency. Joomla Theme has a modern and clean design. It is suitable for corporate/business websites, creative firms, and other enterprises. It works flawlessly on all major browsers, tablets, and smartphones.

A digital agency is a company that provides a range of services related to the creation, development, and marketing of digital products and services. These services may include website design and development, search engine optimization, social media marketing, and other online marketing services.

A one-page website is a type of website that displays all of its content on a single web page. Instead of clicking through multiple pages to access different pieces of information, the visitor can scroll down to view the content on the same page.

A digital agency one page Joomla template would be a pre-designed template specifically designed for use as a one-page website for a digital agency. It would likely include features such as a clean, modern design, information about the agency's services and capabilities, and a contact form or other call-to-action for visitors to get in touch with the agency.

Template Features

  • Drag & Drop Joomla! Page Builder
  • Well formatted and commented
  • Well documented
  • Based on Helix Ultimate 2 Framework
  • Quickinstall included!
  • Import template's settings
  • and much more…

Template Informations

Joomla 4, Joomla 5
23 November 2023
22 February 2019
Single purchase, Club membership
Business & Corporate

Template Description

Ariana works at a Responsive Digital Agency. Joomla Theme has a modern and clean design. It is suitable for corporate/business websites, creative firms, and other enterprises. It works flawlessly on all major browsers, tablets, and smartphones.

A digital agency is a company that provides a range of services related to the creation, development, and marketing of digital products and services. These services may include website design and development, search engine optimization, social media marketing, and other online marketing services.

A one-page website is a type of website that displays all of its content on a single web page. Instead of clicking through multiple pages to access different pieces of information, the visitor can scroll down to view the content on the same page.

A digital agency one page Joomla template would be a pre-designed template specifically designed for use as a one-page website for a digital agency. It would likely include features such as a clean, modern design, information about the agency's services and capabilities, and a contact form or other call-to-action for visitors to get in touch with the agency.

Template Features

  • Drag & Drop Joomla! Page Builder
  • Well formatted and commented
  • Well documented
  • Based on Helix Ultimate 2 Framework
  • Quickinstall included!
  • Import template's settings
  • and much more…

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