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Template Informations

Joomla 4, Joomla 5
17 August 2021
27 August 2022
Single purchase, Club membership
Business & Corporate

Template Description

The Hot Transport template is built with the most recent Sparky Framework version. It has all of the functionality required for effective company websites. The contact information is prominently displayed on the webpage. There is a large responsive slider that displays the most relevant information regarding the company's operations. As you browse deeper into the Transport template, you'll notice several animated icons and a parallax row with modules. There's also a long list of information on all of the company's services. Client testimonials are also included, as is a large footer area with a map and contact information.

Joomla template that is responsive, mobile-friendly, and retina-ready for business websites. The Transport template's original demo data are centered on the transportation, storage, logistics, and planning industries. This template introduces a new menu type to our framework: Mega Menu.

Another option is our extensive range of Joomla business templates. The road conveyance of products is our primary focus in this template. Road delivery of commodities has been required in all parts of the world since ancient times. We all know that there are numerous little and large enterprises in this industry all around the world. As a result, we feel the Transport template will be useful in the creation of many small and large Joomla sites.

New menu type - Mega Menu - and complete control over all menus via the framework. You can customize the functionality and design of all your menus before dropping them into the layout. This template employs Mega menu, which enables the inclusion of several tiers of menu items in a single drop-down pane. You can also integrate Joomla modules in the menu.

Template Features

  • Fully Responsive Design
  • Built on Sparky Framework
  • Clean and Professional Design
  • Cross Browser Compatible
  • Google Mobile-Friendly Test PASSED
  • Support for RTL (right-to-left) languages
  • Unlimited module positions
  • 5 pre-defined color styles included
  • Well Documented
  • and much more…

Template Informations

Joomla 4, Joomla 5
17 August 2021
27 August 2022
Single purchase, Club membership
Business & Corporate

Template Description

The Hot Transport template is built with the most recent Sparky Framework version. It has all of the functionality required for effective company websites. The contact information is prominently displayed on the webpage. There is a large responsive slider that displays the most relevant information regarding the company's operations. As you browse deeper into the Transport template, you'll notice several animated icons and a parallax row with modules. There's also a long list of information on all of the company's services. Client testimonials are also included, as is a large footer area with a map and contact information.

Joomla template that is responsive, mobile-friendly, and retina-ready for business websites. The Transport template's original demo data are centered on the transportation, storage, logistics, and planning industries. This template introduces a new menu type to our framework: Mega Menu.

Another option is our extensive range of Joomla business templates. The road conveyance of products is our primary focus in this template. Road delivery of commodities has been required in all parts of the world since ancient times. We all know that there are numerous little and large enterprises in this industry all around the world. As a result, we feel the Transport template will be useful in the creation of many small and large Joomla sites.

New menu type - Mega Menu - and complete control over all menus via the framework. You can customize the functionality and design of all your menus before dropping them into the layout. This template employs Mega menu, which enables the inclusion of several tiers of menu items in a single drop-down pane. You can also integrate Joomla modules in the menu.

Template Features

  • Fully Responsive Design
  • Built on Sparky Framework
  • Clean and Professional Design
  • Cross Browser Compatible
  • Google Mobile-Friendly Test PASSED
  • Support for RTL (right-to-left) languages
  • Unlimited module positions
  • 5 pre-defined color styles included
  • Well Documented
  • and much more…

Template Informations

Joomla 4, Joomla 5
17 August 2021
27 August 2022
Single purchase, Club membership
Business & Corporate

Template Description

The Hot Transport template is built with the most recent Sparky Framework version. It has all of the functionality required for effective company websites. The contact information is prominently displayed on the webpage. There is a large responsive slider that displays the most relevant information regarding the company's operations. As you browse deeper into the Transport template, you'll notice several animated icons and a parallax row with modules. There's also a long list of information on all of the company's services. Client testimonials are also included, as is a large footer area with a map and contact information.

Joomla template that is responsive, mobile-friendly, and retina-ready for business websites. The Transport template's original demo data are centered on the transportation, storage, logistics, and planning industries. This template introduces a new menu type to our framework: Mega Menu.

Another option is our extensive range of Joomla business templates. The road conveyance of products is our primary focus in this template. Road delivery of commodities has been required in all parts of the world since ancient times. We all know that there are numerous little and large enterprises in this industry all around the world. As a result, we feel the Transport template will be useful in the creation of many small and large Joomla sites.

New menu type - Mega Menu - and complete control over all menus via the framework. You can customize the functionality and design of all your menus before dropping them into the layout. This template employs Mega menu, which enables the inclusion of several tiers of menu items in a single drop-down pane. You can also integrate Joomla modules in the menu.

Template Features

  • Fully Responsive Design
  • Built on Sparky Framework
  • Clean and Professional Design
  • Cross Browser Compatible
  • Google Mobile-Friendly Test PASSED
  • Support for RTL (right-to-left) languages
  • Unlimited module positions
  • 5 pre-defined color styles included
  • Well Documented
  • and much more…

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